Home » 3e. Lochbuie A (ML 28) (NM 6163 2543)

3e. Lochbuie A (ML 28) (NM 6163 2543)

1. View to South - Resized



A misshapen slab, 2.0m tall x 1.5m. x 0.4m. in open ground.


(350m. to the SSE there is a 13m. diameter stone circle with several tall stones nearby. Attempts to determine any alignments indicated by these stones were unsuccessful owing to trees in the area.)




2. View to ENE - Resized

3. View to WSW - Resized
















There were no alignments to the ENE

Alignments for Epochs 9 and 15  in the WSW as follows:-

4. Alignment - Resized