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These four sites will be discussed first for the reasons given:-

1. Ardalanish (ML33)      Used to explain further the effect of the sun's movement and the range arising.

2. Ardnacross (ML12)    An important site as it gives a double alignment for the winter solstice by 'halving the difference'.

3. Gruline (ML16)      Also has two alignments from the same observing position. One for the summer solstice, again by 'halving the difference'. The other for the Epochs before/after the solstice.

4. Tenga (ML13)    Four stones on a moor.   They give three solar alignments and one lunar alignment.

( It is considered that the nature of the alignments found at Ardnacross, Gruline and Tenga provide strong evidence that these alignments were planned and were intentionally set up.  See later under Discussion)

3. Mull - Sites - Update, Used

          Map showing all of the standing stone sites on Mull.  The above four sites are indicated.